Survey of Safavid dynasty's overthrow from the viewpoint of Iranian historians after downfall of Safavid dynasty
Formation and overthrow of governments and dynasties are the main topics in historiography and have been noted by new researchers.
Downfall of Safavid dynasty is one of the most important topics in Safavid history. Traditional historians who used to consider historical evolutions by their traditional insight, have also surveyed Safavid downfall in traditional way and attributed the downfall to the end of Sultan Hossein and each one has considered something important for the downfall of Safavid dynasty.
These historians have found the reason of downfall in the weak personality of the last Safavid king or have searched it in divine destiny, while the withdraw of dynasties can not be happened only in some years, but it happens by the complicated political, military and economical evolutions during years.
2015-07-19 08:27